Cynops pyrrhogaster (Boie, 1826)
両生綱 > 有尾目 > イモリ科 > イモリ属 > アカハライモリ
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- Tominaga, A., Matsui, M., Yoshikawa, N., Nishikawa, K., Hayashi, T., Misawa, Y., & Ota, H. (2013). Phylogeny and historical demography of Cynops pyrrhogaster (Amphibia: Urodela): taxonomic relationships and distributional changes associated with climatic oscillations. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 66(3), 654-667.
- Tominaga, A., M. Matsui, and Y. Kokuryo. 2015. Occurrence and evolutionary history of two Cynops pyrrhogaster lineages on the Izu Peninsula. Current Herpetology 34:19–27.
- Tominaga, A., Matsui, M., Yoshikawa, N., Eto, K., & Nishikawa, K. 2018 Genome wide displacement and shift of the hybrid zone in the Japanese fire-bellied newt. Journal of Heredity. , 109(3), 232–242
- Tominaga, A., Meyer-Rochow, V. B., Okamoto, T., Kuriyama, T., Nishikawa, K., & Matsui, M. (2016). Origin and Genetic Uniformity of Introduced Population of Cynops pyrrhogaster (Amphibia: Urodela) on Hachijojima Island. Current Herpetology, 35(1), 64-68.